Thursday, September 10, 2009

Evie Update and Induction Date

Hi Friends and Fam,

Thanks for your prayers these past few months, I can't believe how fast they have gone.

We had another appointment this morning, it went fine. Evie is doing the same, my fluid level is actually better. They had a hard time getting good pictures of her face, things are getting pretty cozy in there (: Unbelievably, we will get to see her face in person very soon, I am scheduled to be induced Saturday September 19th. Depending on how my body is progressing I may go in the Friday night before so they can get me more ready for labor, stay the night, and be induced in the morning.

How are we doing? Our daily routine is nice, but I have a tough time when I sit down and take some time to process everything. I can't wait to meet Evie and tell her how much I love her and I can't wait for her to meet her dad and sister. The thought of her not surviving is really difficult for me to deal with. I understand all of the information and statistics that we have been given, but I'm not giving up any hope that she will live. We have made preparations either way.

As far as prayer requests go, my biggest fear is that she won't survive delivery. Along with the other prayer requests I have put out there, that is my biggest request. Getting to meet her and spend time with her is so important to both of us.

Thanks again, and if you don't hear from me again before the 19th my dad will be sending out updates (:

Love you!
Lindsey, John, Lyla, Evie.

"Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness."
Lamentations 3:22 - 23.


  1. I will definitely be lifting you up in prayer this week as you prepare to meet your precious little girl. You have been on my heart constantly.
    Jessica (Steyer) Reade

  2. It was nice meeting you this week at MW. You show such grace and faithfulness. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. You have been on my mind these past few days.

    Take care!

  3. We are praying for your family Lindsey and John! You are wonderful parents and have been giving a challenge that God has prepared you for. I admire your courage and faithfulness. Lindsey the blog has been so neat to read. I feel like I know precious Evie. She is one very special girl!
    May joy and peace fill your hearts this week!
    Lindsay Hallam

  4. Lindsey, we are praying for you and your family! This is so hard to go through either way, know that God will give you strength the whole way! Not to be rude but, are you having a C-section? The chances for survival are better with a C. Again, we are praying so very much for you all! Pretty soon you will get to give her sweet kisses and warm cuddles! Hugs!

  5. I am sure that your doctor will direct you towards the type of delivery that will be best for your situation. You are in my prayers. I would follow his direction as each situation is different.

  6. Good luck with everything Lindsey! I'm thinking of you, Evie, and your whole family this week!

    Jaime (Jackson) Wyant

  7. Thinking of you all and continuing to pray!!!

    Sarah Goldsberry

  8. Linds,
    We are definitely praying for you this week!!!

    Trisha Huset

  9. Prayers are with you. If you need anything don't hesitate to call.

  10. Praying for a miracle girl.

  11. Lindsey & John:
    We have been following the growth of your sweet Evie the last few months. Please know that our hearts, minds and prayers have been with your little family on many, many occasions. We firmly believe God has his handprint on every situation in our lives and we know he perfectly chose you both to be caring, loving parents to Evie and Lyla. Lindsey, you have already wrapped little Evie in a love that only her mommy could provide and that love has helped sustain her thus far. We will pause on Saturday to lift you all up to our great Heavenly Father as you prepare to meet the face of your beautiful daughter Evie. God's love and presence will surely be in that place.

    You have so wonderfully scripted words and Bible verses for all of us over the last few months through this blog. While many times I'm sure it was a comfort for you to share your heart with the visitors, you will never know the amazing impact you have had on all of us. Thank you for that.

    On behalf of our entire family, we love you all, we will be praying for you and lifting you up in prayer to our great healer and the one who performs miracles beyond our greatest desires, our Lord Jesus Christ.

    In Him, Harry, Lori, Jason, Kelly and Sara

  12. John, Lindsey, Lyla, & baby Evie,
    I had my first MOPS meeting of the up coming year tonight. I told all the ladies your story. We all prayed for you. So the prayer circle is even BIGGER now. I can't WAITE to see you this weekend. Blessings to you both! ~ Auntie Carrie in California

  13. Lindsey, the way you have bravely told this story has been such an encouragement and has pointed my eyes straight to Jesus. It is one of the best love stories I've ever heard. I am going to be praying for you and Evie HARD on Saturday. How wonderful that you get to meet your angel finally!

  14. We are praying for you everyday. I really am unsure what to say...We love you and GOD is Good...and He is GOOD all the time!

  15. Lindsey,

    You have been on our hearts and minds often during these last months and especially this week. We will definitely be saying some extra prayers for you as the weekend and Evie's delivery nears.
    Laura, Ing, and David Maurstad

  16. We accompanied your dad to Nicaragua and just learned about your situation. Faith in a God who will never leave us or forsake us, is truly what carries us through the flood waters of life. Praying for you the continued peace that passes all understanding. Thank you for sharing your life and your faith.

    the Van Hulzens
    Kurt, Teresa, Andrew, Sarah & Joshua
