Sunday, January 22, 2012


Perspective can be such a good thing, and such a hard thing.

We are leaving for Florida this week and I was looking through some photos from last years trip. I remember calling the airline the week before we left saying something like "I need to confirm reservation number (whatever) and add a lapchild, on oxygen, with two full leg casts" The lady's response was very kind... instead of "may I ask why you are traveling???" she said "okay..... i'm going to need to put you on hold real quick" (: 30 minutes later we had it figured out.

When I first looked at these pictures of Evie on the beach my gut reaction was "Why didn't anyone tell me she looked so bad!?" I can answer that myself... because I probably would have asked them why they looked so bad and moved on (: Coping mechanism or mother's heart... I'm not really sure. God bless my family for loving us through the hard times we have gone through. We have really focused on always looking forward these past few years, but looking back is also important. I don't necessarily like it, but there is nothing more humbling than remember how far we have come.

Here is a picture of Evie at the gym a few weeks ago. The "big kids" typically measure themselves on the way out and Eve is no exception (: She's so big!!

I read through the first few months of my blog a few days ago. I just want to thank you guys for taking on our burden and loving us through a really rough time.

Love you friends.


  1. Your family has inspired me in so many ways. Thank you for sharing your family's journey, Lindsey! You're in my prayers every day. God is so good - even when it's hard to see it sometimes. :D

  2. Evie's shirt says it all....She is "kind of a BIG deal." An amazing miracle who's inspiring people who will never really "know" her every day! Thank you for continuing to tell your story. You are all amazing.

  3. Speaking of flying, I was on a Southwest flight last weekend and saw a note in the letters to the editor section of Spirit magazine from a business man who said how much the story written up on your family touched him. I myself was led to your blog months ago through that Spirit article posted by a facebook friend - and it made me smile to know precisely whose story this business man was talking about.
