Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Doc Appointment Update July 20, 09

Hello again friends (:

Thanks for checking up on us, we had another doctor's appointment Monday (the 20th). John's mom and my mom watched most of the ultrasound; it was fun to give them a glimpse of Evie's little life. I had to drink a cup of orange liquid sugar before the ultrasound so I could get my gestational diabetes test out of the way. I knew my little munchkin wouldn't be very cooperative on a sugar high, but luckily they got the measurements they needed!

I am disappointed to say that things look about the same. Evie's little body and head measure about normal, but limbs are still very small and she weighs 2 pounds instead of 3, where she should be measuring around now. I am 28 weeks as of last Saturday, so that only gives us between 9-12 weeks for her to catch up. It seems like a lot of healing to happen in such a short amount of time.

We have a family conference scheduled for mid-August, where all of the doctors and our family members will get together and lay out what will happen, what our options are, and help us make any remaining decisions. I am glad we will all be on the same page, but I feel so emotionally defeated after a doctor's appointment I can't imagine how hard it will be to sit and discuss it all again to make things more "final." Our doctor and pediatrician have been so amazingly wonderful at communicating with John and I and making sure that we are doing okay, so I know we will be taken care of.

We are having maternity pictures taken next Monday, I am really looking forward to that. Catherine Bosley, the organizer for Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep in Omaha is going to do them for us. I will post some when they are done (: Hopefully she has a "skinny" lens... I forgot what gaining 20 pounds does to my face - ahh! (:

Prayer requests: Evie's health, Evie's health, Evie's health. That John and I would be strong through the coming weeks. Lyla is getting more and more attached to baby Evie as my tummy gets bigger, so prayers for her and that I find a way to communicate to her without completely falling apart. Sleep. Like I've said before, I seem to fall apart at night, especially when John is working late. I'm sure it's hard for him to work a 12 hour shift and come home to a crying wife. John passed his boards so you can stop praying for him. Just kidding! Prayers for peace of mind and heart.

I just finished reading "The Shack" by William P Young, if you haven't read it, you should. It's a fiction novel with beautifully written picture of God's love for us. My God is not a God of suffering and guilt, but of love. He is the same God now that he was 7 months ago. Although this world is full of suffering that God can use for good, it is just the blink of an eye until we will live in perfect peace with Him. As my friend and mentor Angela said to me a few months ago... "Here's to healthy little girls in heaven."

But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body. - Philippians 3:20-21

Sorry daddy, that is mommy's nose!


  1. Little Sweetie Pie. She's adorable. We are thinking about you guys a lot. [[big-hugs]]

  2. I think she looks just like Lyla! We're praying continually!

  3. I was wondering how the appt. went. I am sorry to hear no change. We are continuing to have you in our prayers. As for Lyla, one day at a time. She is a strong little girl. God will help you find the words to say. Sleep girl! You need your rest. Don't be on the go go go so much. Take your time. with EVERYTHING. Your body knows when your tense. So therefore Evie knows. Try meditation or quiet moments not thinking of anything to get your self to relax. I hope this helps. John, I am so proud of you. I am bragging to everyone about my brother! Love you all, God Bless! Carrie xo xo xo xo

  4. Cute Evie! Lindsey, just checking in with you and it seems you are really believing that you just have to take the next step and God will do the rest. I loved the Shack. Another good read for me at a very difficult time in my life was "When Bad Things Happen to Good People" - not exactly in line with Christian theology (it's written by a Jewish rabbi) - but one man's take on suffering. A father whose little boy was destined for an early death. Check it out if you haven't already. Love and blessings. We'll keep praying.
