Thursday, October 28, 2010

pulmonology update...

Hi Friends (:

Our visit with the pulmonologist yesterday went well. I didn't even have to beg (: We talked about where Evie's O2 saturations are, and he said if we do an echocardiogram and her heart isn't distressed at all, we can try to take her off of O2! So we did the echocardiogram before we left the hospital. I am cautiously optimistic. Evie has been pulling her tube off of her face constantly the past few days, and I almost feel like it's a sign that she's ready to be done... but we need to put her heart and lungs before her and my desire to get rid of all these tanks and tubes!

SO we wait for results. I will post them as soon as I know anything (: If her echo goes well then we have a oxygen monitoring test overnight, and if that goes well I take back the tanks and we have a celebration dinner (: If not, we just wait 3 more months and try again. God is good, and it will all come in due time.

Love you, and thanks for praying!

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