Saturday, January 16, 2010


Hi Friends (:

We are still at the hospital, but got to see a few doctors today.

The pulmonologist had some interesting things to say... basically we need to figure out if Evie's episode last night is an isolated event, or if she has breathing trouble frequently. We are going to have an upper GI done tomorrow to check for reflux; a pH test, an echocardiogram, and a swallow study on Monday; and a sleep study Monday night. Then they think they will have a good handle on her breathing issues and what steps we need to take. Hopefully we can leave from here Tuesday and get her injection at UNMC that we should have had Monday.

The docs are thinking that the spots on her lungs aren't pneumonia, but rather little areas where her lungs have collapsed because of gunk, strain, or other reasons. This can heal itself thank goodness!

Please keep praying for Evie, she is doing well, but we have been sucking quite a bit of junk out of her nose. I would love to take her home, but don't want to take the risk either... I am glad we are in such good hands!

I got to have a quick pizza dinner at Zios with Kirst - it was great to breathe "normal people" air and laugh laugh laugh for a while! Aren't sisters the greatest? I'm so glad Ly and Eve will have each other.

I'll update tomorrow if we know anything.

Love you friends!


  1. I was just catching up with everything. Our awesome God has blessed you with such incredible strength! We will keep praying! So glad you got some time with your sister tonight! :)

  2. Saw Patti's status on FB that Evie needed our prayers so I popped over to catch up and am praying for her! Hope she's doing better!
