Saturday, February 5, 2011


Hi there friends!

Sorry I have only been posting weekly, I am trying to get to bed earlier... and well that cuts into my blogging time! Anyway, the title of this post is so appropriate to our lives lately, and it is my privilege to testify to the goodness of God!

A little story from a few weeks ago... John came into our room one night and said "Hey honey, is the ---- account in the bank our Adoption Fund?" and I said "yes" and he replied, "Do you know how much money is in it?" my honest guess was $1,500 and he said "no... almost $5000!" WHOA! SO after adding some Christmas money, our goal of saving $10,ooo this calendar year is over half way complete. PRAISE GOD! When I felt God leading me to a goal of $10,ooo I sort of figured if we didn't get even close that was God's way of saying that adoption may not be for us... but this is ovciously not the case! So we'll keep praying about it, adding a little to the pot here and there, and praise God for his provision!

Secondly this week went off without a hitch. Evie's favorite phlebotomist was working Wednesday, and he got all of her blood in one poke. We had some extra time, so we got her Friday x-rays done, and her EEG. Thursday we got the rest of her blood and urine done, so we didn't even have to go in on Friday! Evie was a rockstar!

Lastly, I was talking to Evie's clinical coordinator yesterday, and we were chatting about some other doctor's Evie has worked with. There was one particular doctor who was pretty insensitive the first time we met with him, and I think I figured out why. He is a bone doc, and the first time we met he basically told us we were dealing with bigger problems than why her bones weren't straight. I knew that, but I wanted his opinion on bones... he was a bone doc. I took it personally, I was 2 weeks postpartum, and in the hospital, so I justified my frustration! (: Regardless, he was talking to Evie's docs last week and said "When I first met that little girl I never thought we would be talking about the possibility of her being weight-bearing" (standing or walking). Basically, he was concerned about her overall health because there was quite a bit of thought at that time, that she wasn't going to make it. Apparently I have been oblivious to these ideas because that thought has never crossed my mind, but I would say there have been several times especially in the first year of her life that she survived against all odds. It has brought me to tears several times in the past few days, how unbelievably blessed we are to have such healing and hope for Evies future.

So thanks for loving us, and praying with us for Evie as she has grown up! We bought her 12 month clothes for the first time today... so now she is only 1 size behind her actual age (: That girl likes to eat!

Love you, Lindsey


  1. Thank you Father!
    So proud of you and John that you're such great parents to Lyla & Evie! They are blessed!
    Praying alongside you as you and Evie prepare for next week! Trusting that God will continue to have bigger and better plans than the rest of us!!

  2. Lindsey,

    I still think of you, John and your girls often - even though our time together in MOPS was short-lived. If you are thinking seriously about adoption, and would like to hear our story sometime, please let me know. I love to tell it. God bless! Alice
