Monday, August 23, 2010


i'm so tired that's the most creative title i can come up with. oh well!

Evie's appointment with the Orthopaedist (bone doctor)went great this morning. In a nutshell, we aren't going to try to fix anything bone wise until it becomes necessary for Evie's functioning... such as standing, walking, etc. For now, we are going to let her progress naturally, and keep an eye on things. Her bones are progressing well, so we are doing the right thing treatment wise. Horray for that! We will look at straightening out her feet next year.

He also mentioned that he doesn't have much experience with kids who have hypophosphatasia because most of them didn't survive in the past. Go Evie! Her positive progress continues to amaze everyone!!! He said he looks at her case as a new "challenge." It was a very positive experience.

So THANKS for praying, we see the pulmonologist tomorrow, hopefully Evie's cold and lungs will clear up soon but I'm thinking we'll probably have to have a chest x-ray. We'll see.

Love you friends!


  1. Awesome, wonderful news. Amen! With all the loving care she is getting from dad, mom and Lyla and the rest of the family, she will continue to grow. That is God's plan

  2. Yay Evie! Yay God! So thankful that God's plan for Evie has been much bigger than the drs. plans for her! Thank you for the update dear friend!

  3. Such a blessing and answer to prayer Lindz! Hope the appointment went well otherwise, and you and the Dr saw eye to eye. Hailey has an amazing Pediatric Orthopedic Dr from Boystown, and while I'm sure yours is amazing if you ever need a 2nd opinion I can give you info! :) Blessing to your gorgeous kids I pray of ya'll everyday!
