Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Countdown: 3 days

We had our pre-op History and Physical today at Dr. Pats... and it was all good news!
- Evie weighed in at 11lb 15oz, more than ever!
- She doesn't even have a hint of the sniffles
- She is in primo condition for surgery.

After our physical, we stopped by a friend's house whose brother in law is a pediatric neurosurgeon in Canada, and he said for a kid that needs craniosynostosis surgery Evie's face looks really good, and since she's so little they won't have to cut her skull into too many pieces. Sounds good to me! It was nice to talk to a person in the medical profession on a social level to ask questions in a not-so intimidating setting.

All in all a good day! I tried to explain Evie's surgery to Lyla, so that she would know they are going to shave her head, and she will have a big boo-boo when we come home. A few minutes later I told her I head a headache, and she told me "I'm a doctor" and began dramatically touching my head... "You need surgery. We're going to cut your head off, put a ponytail on it, and put a headband on like Nana." I'm glad she's not too worried about Evie's surgery (:

Love you friends!


  1. Little Evie, You are SO precious! You have an amazing mommy, and you are Loved by an AMAZING God!! Evie, You are being held and healed by God! I am sending up so many prayers for you and your family this week!

  2. Hi Lindsey
    I am a stranger who came across your blog last week whilst following another.
    I think you and your family are amazing. I keep thinking about you all and about July 16.
    I too have a wee person who beat the odds of a lethal prognosis during pregnancy.
    I laughed when I read your post about Evie's first tooth. I check my wee boys mouth everyday in anticipation of his first tooth. Everything is so precious with these wee ones. We are lucky to know how wonderful our children are.
    I just wanted to pass on all my very best wishes to you and your family and to confirm that Evie's life is indeed touching so many.
    I will be thinking of you so much on the 16th (which will be the 17th here in New Zealand :)
    All the very best
